Use Case


Most retailers now have to manage online, bricks and mortar, warehousing and logistics. We make sure everybody is trained to do their jobs

Product knowledge

Use reels, posts, and courses to keep your staff updated on the latest product knowledge, helping them to boost sales and engage with customers more efficiently. When time is tight, they can rely on Ask Eve to get the information they need on the job 24/7/365.

Customer satisfaction

When your staff have the right training and knowledge, they are better are delivering on your customer expectations. Equip them with the tools like Ask Eve and reels to quickly answer questions, deliver great service, and build brand trust. The result? Very happy customers.


Reelyze streamlines training and compliance across your business, including in the warehouse. Our quick and effective training, which mimics messaging, boosts staff confidence and productivity, making them easier to retain. In a fast-paced environment, Ask Eve provides instant access to information, promoting independence and preventing operational delays.