Use Case

Facilities Management

Here's how Reelyze helps you retain, grow, and win more customer accounts


Reelyze makes it easy for you to take a proactive approach to manage and deliver compliance training, ensuring that you can maintain safe, legal and efficient operations. Highly trained, confident and well equipped employees are key to represent your company and it’s core values.

Management and reporting

Enhance management and reporting with our pre-segmented detailed analytics and reports that allow users to drill down into every aspect of platform usage. Reduce the administrative burden of reporting and allowing your teams to focus on strategic decision-making by making critical information readily accessible and easy to interpret.


Train with courses that your employees not only complete, but actually engage with, due to our format that replicates messaging and reels. The results? A workforce that are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to deliver on your promise of excellence to your customers.

Customer stories

How did we help TSS?

We interviewed Geoffrey Young, who is the head of Learning and Development at SSUK including the retail security division of G4S. TSS operate in hundreds of stores across the UK, employing thousands of frontline security staff.

Transform engagement

Before using Reelyze, only 6% engaged, and only 40% of those completed the courses assigned to them. Thanks to our platform, engagement and course completion are both at 90%+. The reason? Our courses are accessible on mobile phones and feature a short, conversational format, allowing learners to go at their own pace and start, finish and resume when they have time whether they are at work or not.

Slash training costs

In the interview, Geoff mentions that while he prefers learning in a structured, face-to-face setting, an LMS is often more cost-effective for businesses by eliminating the need for venues, trainers, and expenses. He says, "I was trying to find the positives for both, and Reelyze has given me that." Additionally, TSS has seen a return on investment of over £10,000 thanks to the Ask Eve features within months on just one of their customer accounts.

Save lives

Geoff shared, "We have around 8,000 retail security frontline staff across the UK, making communication difficult." In a job where training and knowledge are crucial for safety, clear communication is essential. Our platform helps by making it easy to connect and deliver training through the app or existing channels. Geoff added, "I'm using technology to bring these guards up to speed, which is reducing incidents and saving lives."

Watch the full interview here

Geoffrey Young, Head of Learning and Development at SSUK