Need help to create learning?

Our team of learning experts are on hand to build courses and help you achieve success


Our experts are on hand to help you

Consider us your partners in learning. Our team can help you plan, design and build your conversation flows, course architecture, complex routing logic, and capture realtime learner feedback.

A clear plan

We always start of by understanding the business case behind your learning requirement. With a clear picture of what you are looking to achieve we help to bring the right learning mix combined with innovative ideas to delight you as well as your learners and achieve your objectives.

Design & Build

From buiding basic courses to complex conversation flows that replicate peer to peer coaching we can help you designa and build any aspect of learning. Whether you are just under resourced and need to get learning out quickly or want to create an impressive Virtual AI powered trainer we're on hand to support.

Real time learning insights

Unlike other learning platforms Reelyze can capture feedback as your people are learning. You can benchmark knowledge, run tests, check confidence levels, in fact you can ask you learners anything and record and analyse the answers. We're on hand to provide best practive advice and enable you to achieve an unparralled leve of learnier insight