Sep 16, 2024

Reels - The New Way to Train Your Employees

Reels: Engaging, concise videos for effective employee training.

Reels - The New Way to Train Your Employees

Are you tired of boring, lengthy employee training sessions? Does the thought of sitting through hours of e-learning make you want to run for the hills? We hear you, and we have a solution.

Reels are the future of employee training. Not only are they entertaining and engaging, but they also allow for quick and easy learning on the go. With attention spans shrinking by the day, it's more important than ever to deliver information in a way that is easy to digest and remember.

In this blog post, we'll dive into the benefits of using reels for employee training. We will also provide tips on how to create effective videos that will keep your employees engaged and informed. So, sit back, relax, and let's get started!

They are a Great Training Tool!

Reels are engaging and more retained by viewers due to their concise nature. These qualities make them a great tool for employee training. In today's fast-paced world, it's important to ensure that your employees are up-to-date on the latest practices.

Think of all the new technologies that are critical to your business. Reels can help do this by providing quick and digestible content that can be consumed on the go. With the rise of social media, videos have become a popular choice of content to learn new skills in our personal life. Reels are also perfect for people who prefer to learn at their own pace. Incorporating bitesize videos into your employee training program can help keep your team engaged. They will be more informed and motivated to do their work. This will reap many benefits later on!

Using short videos can save time and resources by condensing the information into manageable chunks. This is what makes it the perfect tool to train employees. In today's fast-paced world, dedicating long hours to training new hires and upskilling employees can eat up a lot of valuable time, but it can also lead to a dip in productivity. Withreels, you can provide on-demand access to information that your employees need to get started.

These bite-sized videos can be used to train many different elements of someone's role whether its tasks, products or services.

Short videos are an effective way to train your employees because they can access the content wherever they are, whenever they need it, providing knowledge and learning on demand. This allows for training to happen on their schedule and in a way that is flexible, therefore will increase productivity.

Why wait?! It’s time to shake up your L&D strategy!  

Making the Transition to Bitesize Training Reels

When it comes to training new employees, one of the biggest challenges is keeping them engaged. They need to be kept interested throughout the process. Long, boring online courses and lengthy training sessions can lead to disinterest and lack of focus.

With shorter videos, employees are more likely to pay attention and retain the information presented.

Where do you start? You can make use of these simple steps to get the most out of this strategy.

1.    Identify the content 🔎. Start by identifying the training material that can be converted into short videos. Focus on topics that are difficult to explain in writing or practical demonstrations.

2.    Bite-size it 🧩. Reels should be between 30 seconds and 2 minutes in length.Break your process or task p into bitesize chunks if you can’t demonstrate it all in one video. Keep the content concise and to the point, focusing on the most important information.

3.    Use visuals and captions 🎞️ . Use visuals and captions to make the video engaging and memorable. These should summarise and highlight the key points throughout the process to reinforce the learning. This will also help to simplify complex tasks and make them easier to understand.

4.    Makeit interactive with quizzes 🤓. Add quiz questions at the end of your reel to make it interactive. You can use quizzes to engage employees, reinforce learning and measure the effectiveness of the learning.

5.    Make it accessible 📲. Ensure the videos are accessible to all employees by ensuring they can be accessed easily from people’s pockets on their mobile phones,wherever they are and whenever they need it. Videos should have captions so the knowledge can be followed with no sound.

6.    Track engagement and effectiveness 📈. Track employee engagement and the effectiveness of the videos.Measure the total views and answers to the quizzes to evaluate the learning effectiveness. This will help to identify areas for improvement and adjust the video content if needed.


What are the benefits?

⏳ Reels make training sessions engaging and interactive by incorporating relatable and visually-appealing content that captures the attention of employees. They also don't take up too much of your employee's time! Instead of having to sit through an hour-long online course, employees can gain valuable information in just a few minutes. This is especially helpful for new hires or for teaching specific skills that need to be learned.

📲The best part is that employees can access these videos on their own time and from anywhere, which is ideal for those who have busy schedules. Reels are an effective way to deliver bite-sized learning. This is consumed and retained by employees faster. This is particularly useful for busy employees who may not have the time or attention span for longer training sessions.

🎞️ Reels are engaging and interactive. They can be used to create an immersive learning experience for employees. This can help to improve retention and knowledge transfer.

💰Reels are cost-effective compared to traditional training methods. Think of in-person training or printed materials. This is because they need less time, effort, and resources to create and deliver.

🔁These videos are easy to update and change as needed, which makes them a flexible and adaptable training tool. This is important because training materials
and best practices may change over time. Bitesize videos can be updated to reflect these changes.

📣They ensure consistent messaging by delivering the same content to all employees in the same way. This helps to ensure that all employees receive the same level of training and knowledge transfer.

📍Reels are accessible to all employees regardless of their location or work schedule. This makes them a convenient training tool that can be used by all employees, including those who work remotely or have a flexible work schedule.

What can you use Reels for?

Reels can cover a wide range of topics. From safety procedures to customer service best practices, there are countless areas where they can be a valuable training tool.

Here’s some examples..

🙋New employees can be onboarded with bitesize videos that cover company policies and procedures.These videos can provide an overview of what’s expected of them and what theyneed to know to be successful in their roles.

🤑Sales teams can benefit from reels that cover product features and benefits.

🛍️ Customer service teams can learn how to handle customer complaints effectively through engaging video content.

📞In addition to job-specific topics, reels can also cover soft skills. These include communication, leadership, and time management. These skills are important for all employees regardless of their role within the organisation.

With the flexibility and accessibility of reels, it’s easy for companies to provide training to all employees regardless of their location or work schedule. Whether it’s onboarding new employees or upskilling existing staff, bitesize videos should be a go-to tool for organisations looking to improve their employee training efforts.

Tips for Making the Most Out of Your Content

Keep it short and sweet 🍬.
The key to effective reelsis to keep them short and to the point. Aim for a video length of 30 seconds to 2 minutes max. This will help to keep employees engaged and focused on the information being presented.

Use visuals and captions 🎞️.
Incorporate visuals and animations to help illustrate key concepts and keep employees engaged. This can include infographics, emojis, captions and subtitles to reinforce the key parts of the learning. Captions and subtitles should ensure the video can be followed easily with no sound.

Make it easy to follow 🔎.
When showing a how-to video of a task or process make sure it's clear for people to see each step of the process. Record the task in 5-10 second chunks instead of leaving pauses in-between the different steps. This is much easier for a learner to follow if they can pause the video after each stage demonstration so they can learn or follow the process at a pace which suits them.  

Incorporate interactivity 🤓.
Use a quiz at the end of your video to increase engagement and reinforce learning. Stick to no more than 3 questions, make sure your answers are punchy and try to avoid long questions or answers.

Make it easily accessible 📲.
Make sure your videos are on a platform which is easily accessible to all your employees in whatever location they may be. Videos should be available on people's mobiles with a search function which makes it easy for people to find.

Track engagement and effectiveness 📈.
Track views and answers to quiz questions to measure learning effectiveness and track and monitor the total views of each video. This means every video you create provides you with data and insights.

Why Wait?!
Reels are revolutionising employee training by offering a fresh and engaging approach to learning. The benefits of using Reels for training are clear: they are concise,easily digestible, and allow for on-demand access to information. By incorporating visuals, captions, and interactivity, Reels create an immersive learning experience that improves retention and is essential for knowledge transfer.

Natalie Simpson

Natalie Simpson

Nat is the Product & Content Lead at Reelyze is passionate about learning and enjoys helping our customers modernise their own training with Reels and Conversational Learning.

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