Sep 16, 2024

Mental Health First Aid Training Courses

Learn more about the value of MHFA

Mental Health First Aid Training Courses

Discover the Benefits of Mental Health First Aid Courses

1 in 6 people experience a common mental health issue each week. Just think of what this means for your office, colleagues, or workplace. 1 in 6 people you work with could be experiencing a mental health issue right now. As a friend, colleague, and employer, you can use the skills gained on a mental health first aid training course to spot the signs of mental illness or a mental health issue. A training course gives you the tools to respond with compassion, support, and an effective plan of action.

Mental Health in the Workplace

Employers can care for their employees’ mental health and wellbeing. Compassion and care are great motives for providing mental health support. Productivity and profitability are also valuable and we’ll make a case for the positive ROI from mental health training courses.

Mental Health Issues at Work

1 in 7 people experience mental health problems at work. According to the UK government, these mental health conditions present two problems for employers and organisations:

  1. These mental health conditions, whether mild or more serious, accounted for over 17.9 million lost working days in 2019/20.
  2. Someone experiencing depression, stress, or anxiety will take an average of 21.6 days off work to recover.

Mental Health Responsibilities of Employers

What should employers do about mental health issues? The government-commissioned Lord Stevenson and Paul Farmer (Chief Executive of Mind) to study the role of employers in providing mental health support. Their Thriving at work report set out a framework for employers. Each company can meet the new core standards framework by doing at least three things.

  1. Form part of a mental health at work plan.
  2. Promote communications and open conversations, by raising awareness and reducing stigma about mental ill-health.
  3. Provide a mechanism for monitoring employee mental health actions and outcomes.

Mental Health Return on Investment

We can’t put a price tag on the recovery of an employee from mental ill health. What we can do is show the evidence of how money spent on mental health training courses and support produces a positive return for organisations. The financial benefits of support and help for anyone experiencing a mental health issue can be summed up in one sentence:

Employers save £8.69 for every £1 they invest in mental health awareness, support, and training.

(Mental health statistics: mental health at work | Mental Health Foundation)

Avoid losing money providing cover for someone experiencing mental health issues. Instead, invest in mental health first aid courses to raise awareness of mental health conditions, risk factors, and recovery options.

What is Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)?

MHFA courses teach students (employees, managers, or volunteers) to spot the symptoms of common mental health problems and the signs of mental ill-health. Students also learn listening skills, grow in their knowledge, gain a better understanding of how to support an individual who is in crisis, and how to use the mental health first aid action plan.

After receiving training, learners feel more confident when talking about mental health or helping someone who may need support. Delegates on a training course join workshops, take part in discussions and participate in common scenarios in role-playing sessions. Training develops the skills needed to help others in their recovery.

What Does a Mental Health First Aider Do?

Help. That’s the simple answer. MHFA training gives you the skills to help someone who might need it. You will follow an action plan to assist those with mental health issues and you’ll know how to signpost to further support.

Here are some common MHFA roles and responsibilities:

  • Recognising the signs and symptoms of mental health illnesses in the workplace.
  • Talk one-to-one with people in a supportive, non-judgmental way to assist them.
  • Building resources, action planning, and awareness development for your organisation.

The core function of an MHFA person is to help people who need it. Your responsibility isn’t to diagnose people but to listen, be supportive and be confident to signpost to other professional resources and support.

Do MHFA Courses Work?

Yes, they work very well. Positive outcomes include:

  • Increased awareness of mental health issues in the workplace.
  • More openness and help offered to employees and volunteers to maintain mental health.
  • Reduced cost of losses because of mental ill health by up to 30%.

The latest Mental Health research report from Deloitte shows proactive training is delivering an average ROI of 5:1.

What Is Covered In Mental Health First Aid Training?

MHFA training courses develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence to promote wellbeing in the workplace. We can divide the course subjects into two areas: knowledge and practice. Knowledge topics include common disorders, warning signs, and risk factors. Practice topics include how to provide care, action planning, and organisational policy.

What's the Most Common Mental Health Issue in the Workplace?

Excessive stress is the most common problem individuals experience in the workplace and can lead to mental health issues developing. Mental health first aiders learn how to spot the signs of excessive stress and make a plan to tackle it.

Other illnesses discussed include:

  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Personality Disorders
  • Psychosis Crisis
  • Depression
  • Eating Disorders
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Self-Harm
  • Suicide Prevention

All these conditions are treatable. We can manage anxiety disorders through better communication and change management. Depression treatment can include medicine, but might also connect to vacation time, hobbies, and positive reinforcement. Mental health first aiders learn how to approach each person, illness, and situation with confidence and compassion.

Why Book a Mental Health First Aid Course?

There are three good reasons to schedule your first mental health first aid course today. First, investing in the mental health of the people in your organisation is the right thing to do. Second, providing mental health first aid training courses is the best strategic choice. Third, putting your money into a mental health training course is more profitable than paying for sick days and illness cover.

MHFA: The Right Thing to Do

You can improve the lives of your staff by investing in their mental health. As an employer or manager, you have an obligation to look after the mental health of your employees. This obligation comes from the government, but also arises out of our own compassion for others. If you can help someone experiencing a mental health issue, then that’s a good thing to do.

MHFA: A Wise Strategic Choice

A mental health first aid course will raise awareness in your organisation and promote a culture of compassion and openness. Whether it’s a refresher course or a brand new initiative, your organisation will be better off for adding mental health first aid into the workplace. Increased compassion, openness, and teamwork are all proven results of mental health training.

MHFA: A Profitable Investment

Mental health first aid courses, especially as part of a wider campaign to support the mental health of every employee, are profitable investments. Remember, every £1 spent on mental health support lowers your organisation’s cost of mental illness by £8.69. Helping people develop their self-care and mental health will make your organisation more effective and profitable.

How Much Does an MHFA Course Cost?

Our Mental Health First Aid Course costs £250 per adult, exclusive of VAT. This covers the full two-day course and all necessary materials.

Ready to Book a Mental Health Training Course?

Talkout’s Mental Health First Aid Course is available online and will be available in person as Covid-19 guidelines permit. This two-day or four half days virtually is licensed and accredited. MHFA England First Aid Training course will teach participants how to identify, understand and assist someone with mental health issues or a condition.

Here’s a quick recap of some of the key aims and learning objectives of the course:

  • To develop an in-depth understanding of mental health and the factors that can affect mental health and wellbeing.
  • To learn how to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues.
  • To step in, reassure and support a person in distress.
  • To develop interpersonal skills such as non-judgmental listening.
  • To learn how to help someone start their recovery to good mental health by signposting to the right type of support.
  • To learn the importance of self-care.

Natalie Simpson

Natalie Simpson

Nat is the Product & Content Lead at Reelyze is passionate about learning and enjoys helping our customers modernise their own training with Reels and Conversational Learning.

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